GÖRDÜLŐ-Simmering Ltd. EUR bankaccount
HU 45 1160 0006 0000 0000 4710 4453 (mit IBAN nummer)
SWIFT number of our bank: GIBAHUHB
Further important data about the GÖRDÜLŐ-Simmering Ltd.
registration date | 08.10.1998. (successor) |
date of establishment | 15.02.1993. (predecessor in title: GÖRDÜLŐ-Simmering Limited partnership) firm registration number: 01-06-213111 |
form of the company | limited liability company |
name of the company | GÖRDÜLŐ-Simmering Trade and Supplier limited liability company |
tax number of the company | 11766319-2-42 |
firm registration number | 01-09-675568 |
address of the seat of the company | HUNGARY 1102, Budapest, Kőrösi Csoma S. út 18-20. |
address of the premise | HUNGARY 1149, Budapest Nagy Lajos kir. útja 117. |
identification number at the Hungarian Central Statistical Office |
11766319-5246-113-01 |
name of the auditor | Péterné Bánhegyi |